
the lake beneath the lake

9 June 2024 in thoughts & contemplation

When the wind caresses the lake’s surface, you can hear the ripples of the water speaking, sometimes singing. Nature’s elements are in concert. Sometimes there is no wind, the lake is still, there is silence, and the lake reveals itself in other ways. Clarity surfaces and reflections appear; it is possible to see the lake beneath the lake. Tiers much deeper than surface awareness appear. Perhaps the lake is now speaking tenderly, maybe singing a quieter ancient song to you. At these times, the numinous depth of oneself can surface, new insights emerge, different sounds can be heard, new perspectives become possible. Yet, this numen is mostly transitory and mysterious. A spirit that is deeply rooted, that is luminous at times, that is good yet paradoxically branched with flaws. Mostly, this numen only reveals itself in stillness, when one experiences quietness, acceptance, open thinking and being, deep consciousness and reflection – The Lake Beneath The Lake.
(Acknowledgements: John O’Donohue ‘Divine Beauty’ 140-141, Jo Freitag, Poatina Writers’ Group, John Doig)

into the mystical

9 June 2024 in thoughts & contemplation

What views can be more mysterious than landscapes shrouded in ethereal mist? What lies in and beyond the mist: a scene unseen, a presence? We are curious, we explore the unknown. We seek originality, shape, form, expression. Pause – liminality – then journey deep into the landscape. Experience the silence, an absence, the unfamiliar. Deep observation, imagination, reflection. Into the mist beyond the known – Nature’s hidden forms. Going beyond the obvious into the inconclusive, the imagined, the mist. Into the realm where thoughts and interpretations reside – Into the Mystical.
(Acknowledgements: John Doig)

the creation

9 June 2024 in thoughts & contemplation

The cosmos speaks of deep time energy and forces – creative and evolutionary: nothing to expanse – dark to light – silence to sounds – emptiness to life. How did the Universe begin? When was the Earth formed? How did life on Earth emerge? Were their beginnings through random chance or by design? Were all things intentionally and sequentially brought into being: light – sky – land – water – flora – sun – moon – stars – creatures – people? How did we emerge from dust – stardust – and take in our first breath of life? Why are we here? Where did we really come from? What is the purpose of life? What a mystery – The Creation!
(Acknowledgements: Ernst Haas, John Doig)